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RichardApps' lab: coding, photography, 3D-art and personal projects!

Welcome, visitor!

Hope you're doing well! This is my corner of the internet. Feel free to have a look around! You can find some really cool stuff here! :)

Want some fancy effects? Click HERE to turn them on.

Some things you might be interested in:

Fully updated webpage now online!

Written on 24.03.2024

I'm excited to launch the new webpage!

Everything from the design to the content has been redone. There are still some things that I have to improve, but I'm pretty happy with it so far!

Regarding the design, I was inspired by some old vintage terminals! Hope you like it!

[!] Projects section will be limited for now because most of them need fixes and improvements before hosting them on the new web server.

This could take some time...

[!] If you want to use the old page, use this link: old.richardapps.net

This will most likely not be updated anymore.


A short list of projects made by me!

(This list is currently limited. I will update it as soon as I get more projects online! :) )


Here's a collection of photos I made with the open-source software Blender! Color-grading was done using Lightroom-Classic!

A cinematic image of a spaceship flying trough a space-station, created by me with Blender 3D. A cinematic image of a spaceship flying above the ground with mountains in the background, created by me with Blender 3D.
A destroyed default-cube flying over an ocean, created by me with Blender 3D. A cinematic image of a 3D-modeled ship inspired by the HMS Victory, created by me with Blender 3D.

Here are some images I took in the USA!

Hover over them to view more information!

A monochrome picture of the Golden-Gate-Brige.

The famous Golden-Gate-Brige! Was a bit cloudy that day, but that probably made it even better!

A close-up picture of a chipmunk.

A chipmunk! We found them in a lot of different places. They were really friendly, weren't even scared of us, thus making photographing them pretty easy!

A minimalistic picture of a helicopter.

Nothing much to say here, but sometimes even the simple, minimalistic photos turn out quite cool!

A picture of a bird in cloudy, dark weather.

We found this cool-looking bird! Fits well with the cloudy weather and the black stone, monochrome from nature!

All these were taken with a Panasonic Lumix DMC-TZ71, a surprisingly good travel camera for a low price.

Click on one of the pictures to see information about it, or visit my ArtStation profile. I'm also on Instagram!


Hi! Firstly, thank you for visiting my website! Glad to have you here.

As to me, my name is Richard. (Crazy, right?) I'm really interested in everything computer related! I've done some coding, 3D-art, game-development - even digital drawing!

(I'm no expert in any of these, but it's fun!)

I learned a bit of those during my journey: Python, HTML/CSS, Javascript, GD-Script, Blender, Lightroom, Inkscape

Regarding my pseudonym 'RichardApps': Since I had limited resources (only a phone) when starting programming / content creation, I started with creating apps for it! This was the first time I really started sharing my work with others, so I've chosen to name myself after that. I decided to keep the name, since it's more or less unique - even though I don't do much mobile development anymore.

Furthermore, I love listening to music! (Before you ask, I listen to all genres :P) Take a listen here: MYSTERY GIFT

I also play games! Some of my favourites are:

-> Metro ExodusThis game has such a unique ambience and immersion to it... Good story, likable characters and one of the best OST!!
-> Cyberpunk 2077Actually playable since 2.0 Patch. The DLC is so good! Worth playing.
-> The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim VNothing much to say about this, probally one of the best RPG's ever made!
-> PortalA classic! Worth playing, still holds up.


(I mostly prefer Discord for contact!)

Questions, wishes, inquiries, problems, and everything else can go to:

[email protected]